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Jeppesen Cycle DVD 2121 Full World

Lee Software 10 Oct 2021, 05:58 0
Jeppesen Cycle DVD 2121 Full World
File Size: 3.31 GB

JeppView for Windows is an electronic reference material, you can also print the necessary airport maps (maps, airport maps, etc.

). Updated every two weeks.
Add. Info : Full Worldwide

Coverage Codes

: 168FP41264

Worldwide - Military Supplement: 168FM41264

VFR - Europe: 168FN41266

Validity: 15 / OCT / 2021 - 28 / OCT / 2021

First installation

If you are installing the program for the first , use the following code to install:


After the program is installed, for the first launch, select "Activation by phone" and enter the following code:


There are specific coverage codes for each cycle.

Also, I recommend using the C drive for installation (if you install on a different drive, problems may arise).

Usage Notes

The installer will prompt you to install the Jeppesen CDA Service. It is not required to use JeppView 3 and probably not required to use JeppView for Windows. There is a potential for problems, so I recommend canceling this part of the installation when prompted to do so.

Other Coverage Codes

Africa => 168FN41267

Africa - Military Supplement => 168FI41268

Alaska => 168AO41274

All Europe => 168FL41274

Americas - Military Supplement => 168FM41268

Atlantic Special Manual Transatlantic => 168FO41264

Australasia => 168FP41269

Australia => 168FD412 Austria1278


168FH4 - Austria > 168FP41276

BUNDLE - All Europe & Atlantic => 168JL41248

BUNDLE - Americas => 168FD41268

BUNDLE - EMEAI => 168FL41264

BUNDLE - Latin & South Americas => 168AD41268

BUNDLE - Middle & Far East => 168AP41276

BUNDLE - North America => 168JD41252

BUNDLE - Pacific => 168CP41228

Brazil => 168FI41270

Canada => 168FK41270

Canada - Alaska => 168FO41266

Canada - East => 168FO41270

Canada - West => 168JO41258

Canada - West / Alaska => 168FO41274

Caribbean => 168FO41271

Central Europe => 168FD41278

China => 168FO41265

Eastern Europe => 168FP41267

Eastern Europe Special Manual => 168FL41271

Europe => 168JL41258

Europe - Mediterranean => 168FP41266

Europe - Military Supplement => 168FM41272

Far East => 168FP41273

France => 168FP41274

Full Worldwide => 168FP41264

Germany => 168FP41270

Hawaii => 168FL41269

India => 168FI41271

Italy => 168FH41274

Latin America => 168FO41267

Mexico => 168FK41271

Middle East and South Asia => 168FM41267

Middle East and Asia South - Military Supplement => 168FA41268

New Zealand => 168FP41277

North Sea => 168FP41278

Europe = Northern> 168FL41266

Northern South America => 168FM41270

Pacific Basin => 168FP41265

Pacific Basin - Military Supplement is => 168FI41264

The Scandinavia => 168FD41270

South Africa => 168FJ41271

South America => 168FM41266

Southern South America => 168FM41274

Spain => 168FD41274

U. S. Ports of Entry - Latin America Supplement => 168FO41275

USA - 48 States => 168FN41265

USA - California & Nevada => 172JJ43361

USA - Central => 168FN41273

USA - Central & West => 168FB41269

USA - East => 168FJ41269

USA - East & Central => 168FN41269

USA - Florida & Bahamas => 172AJ43381

USA - Great Lakes => 168FB41273

USA - Gulf of Mexico => 168JJ41261

USA - High Performance 4000 => 168FB41277

USA - North Central => 168FN41277

USA - North Central & Great Lakes => 168FF41277

USA - Northeast => 168JJ41253

USA - Northwest => 168AJ41265

USA - South Central => 168FF41273

USA - Southeast => 168AJ41269

USA - Southeast & South Central => 168FJ41277

USA - Southwest => 168JJ41249

USA - West => 168FJ41265

United Kingdom & Ireland => 168FL41270

VFR - Austria => 168JJ41254

VFR - Belgium and Luxembourg => 168AJ41270

VFR - Bosnia and Herzegovina => 168JN41254

VFR - Canary Islands => 168JN41258

VFR - Central Europe => 168FJ41270

VFR - Channel Islands => 168CJ41218

VFR - Croatia => 168AN41270

VFR - Czech Republic => 168CJ41222

VFR - Denmark => 168JB41254

VFR - Eastern Europe => 168FRN

- Estonia41270 => 168CN41222

VFR - Europe => 168FN41266

VFR - Finland => 168AB41270

VFR - France => 168GJ41270

VFR - Germany => 168KJ41238

VFR - Greece => 168GN41270

VFR - Hungary => 168KN41238

VFR - Ireland => 168JJ41250

VFR - Italy and Malta => 168AN41274

VFR - Latvia => 168MN41238

VFR - Lithuania => 168KN41270

VFR> -

VFR - Netherlands => 168MJ41238

VFR - Norway => 168CB41222

VFR - Poland => 168ON41222

VFR - Portugal => 168CN41226

VFR - Scandinavia => 168FB41270

VFR - Serbia-Montenegro => 168DN41222

VFR - Slovakia => 168CN41254

VFR - Slovenia => 168MN41254

VFR - Southern Europe => 168FN41274


- Spain & => 168FN41274 VFR4 - Spain & => 168FN41274 VFR4 - Spain & => 168FN41274 VFR4 - Spain & => 168FN41274 VFR4 - Spain & => 168FN41274 VFR4 - Spain & => 168FN41274 VFR4 Islands => 168KN41242

VFR - Sweden => 168GB41270

VFR - Switzerland => 168KJ41270

VFR - United Kingdom => 168AJ41266

VFR - United Kingdom & Channel Islands => 168GJ41266

VFR - United Kingdom & Ireland => 168FJ41266

Venezuela => 168JM41254

World - Basic => 168FN41264

World - Basic [Airport Diagrams] => 168FJ41268

Worldwide - Military Supplement => 168FM41264

Xpress USA - California => 175JJ41313

Xpress USA - Central => 168JB41253

Xpress USA - East => 172JJ43365

Xpress USA - East Central => 168JB41257

Xpress USA - Florida => 175AJ41333

Xpress USA - Great Lakes => 168AB41273

Xpress USA - Michigan => 168CB41225

Xpress USA - Mid-Atlantic => 175JJ41317

Xpress USA - Mid-South => 172AJ43061

Xpress USA - North Central => 168JF41261

Xpress USA - Northeast => 172JJ43045

Xpress USA - Northwest => 172AJ43377

Xpress USA - South Central => 168AF41273

Xpress USA - Southeast => 173AJ42741

Xpress USA - Southwest => 172JJ43041

Xpress USA - Texas => 168CF41225

Xpress USA - West Central => 168JN41261

Easy input

168FN41267 168FI41268 168AO41274 168FL41274

168FM41268 168FO41264 168FP41269 168FD41269

168FH41278 168FP41276 168JL41248 168FD41268

168FL41264 168AD41268 168AP41276 168JD41252

168CP41228 168FI41270 168FK41270 168FO41266

168FO41270 168JO41258 168FO41274 168FO41271

168FD41278 168FO41265 168FP41267 168FL41271

168JL41258 168FP41266 168FM41272 168FP41273

168FP41274 168FP41264 168FP41270 168FL41269

168FI41271 168FH41274 168FO41267 168FK41271

168FM41267 168FA41268 168FP41277 168FP41278

168FL41266 168FM41270 168FP41265 168FI41264

168FD41270 168FJ41271 168FM41266 168FM41274

168FD41274 168FO41275 168FN41265 172JJ43361

168FN41273 168FB41269 168FJ41269 168FN41269

172AJ43381 168FB41273 168JJ41261 168FB41277

168FN41277 168FF41277 168JJ41253 168AJ41265

168FF41273 168AJ41269 168FJ41277 168JJ41249

168FJ41265 168FL41270 168JJ41254 168AJ41270

168JN41254 168JN41258 168FJ41270 168CJ41218

168AN41270 168CJ41222 168JB41254 168FN41270

168CN41222 168FN41266 168AB41270 168GJ41270

168KJ41238 168GN41270 168KN41238 168JJ41250

168AN41274 168MN41238 168KN41270 168JN41238

168MJ41238 168CB41222 168ON41222 168CN41226

168FB41270 168DN41222 168CN41254 168MN41254

168FN41274 168GN41274 168KN41242 168GB41270

168KJ41270 168AJ41266 168GJ41266 168FJ41266

168JM41254 168FN41264 168FJ41268 168FM41264

175JJ41313 168JB41253 172JJ43365 168JB41257

175AJ41333 168AB41273 168CB41225 175JJ41317

172AJ43061 168JF41261 172JJ43045 172AJ43377

168AF41273 173AJ42741 172JJ43041 168CF41225


Release date : 2021

Version : 2121

Developer : Jeppesen Developer

Interface language : English

Tabletka : not required

System requirements : Windows 7, 8, 10

Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


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